The Parlour Collective (Jack Catling, Matthew Galpin, Pavana Reid, David Stearn) is an international collective that uses the language of site-specific performance based on the...
The poignant and intimate power that video art manages to express still remains, for me, a mystery. Elisabetta Di Sopra is certainly among those artists...
The new video “Medusa” by Francesca Leoni was released a few weeks ago (and already selected in some European festivals). It is an extremely political,...
Eleonora Manca stands out in the national and international video art panorama for her extremely original stylistic signature, which places her outside of any systematic...
Alessandro Amaducci is among the most internationally well-known and active Italian video artists, with participation in various festivals and award ceremonies. He combines his artistic...
Art or business? Old catchphrase. More than ever fomented since the first patron even became the market itself, an anonymous operator, with no competence other...
In the latest highly successful edition of the Biografilm Festival in Bologna (9-19 June 2023) a section was dedicated to the visual art and experiments...
When I began to approach video art, one of my first encounters took place with the Francesca Lolli’s works. And it is useless to tell...
It is the eye, elusive and inquiring, of a hunting camera, the first scanning apparatus that cages us on the darkened threshold of X-Contemporary, where...
Among the Italian art cities, Venice is perhaps the only one in which the emergencies of the globalized present, inextricably embodied in the vestiges of...
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