The void can be nothing or it can be everything. What do you see in the void?
This is what the cultural association Maison Ventidue together with Muspa – Museo Senza Pareti ask themeselves and ask us through Superfluo, a project in progress of reflection on the current state of the art. On the occasion of Art City 2021, the spaces of L’Appartamento by Maison Ventidue host Volumetria³ by Marameo, a young artist born inTreviso who trained in the streets of Bologna.
At numbers 4 and 6 of Via Miramonte two doors, identical to each other, open onto symmetrical spaces that meet in a shared courtyard. External, internal, external. Open, closed, open. The architecture of the spaces of L’Appartamento – and consequently the experience that one has going through them – seems to coincide with the alternation of the phases that have marked, for more than a year now, the life of each of us.
The rooms, uninhabited for too long, are populated with metal cracks that guide the visitors’ path. The void is then filled with the works that Marameo created extemporaneously in the three days of Art City 2021. These are interventions that the artist himself defines as site-specific architectured based, which are therefore born to become an integral part of the environment that welcomes them.
For this occasion, Marameo departs from the street – even if not completely, if we think of the fact that the installation also invades a portion of the space in front of the apartment – in which it usually operates with street art interventions, to come out and exhibit his work in a space that embodies the intimacy of the domestic place.
The irregular lines that, like artificial cracks, make their way into the spaces are made of tin, a material that in the hands of the artist changes state and transforms from a heavy solid block to a silvery liquid almost endowed with a life of its own. Once made fluid, in fact, the incandescent tin poured onto the surfaces freely invades them and transforms into sutures (as it happened in the exhibition organized by TIST last March)that seem to tear or, on the contrary, join the surfaces.
It is almost hypnotic to observe the entire artistic process, also thanks to the sound composition by Filippo Bonelli who accompanied the performance. However, this is only the beginning of something. The artist, in fact, cares above all about what happens after the works are integrated into the space: how, that is, they come into contact with the people who in turn inhabit those same places. It is the fact of being able to walk on the traces marked on the floor, of being able to touch the new cracks in the walls: this is what counts, being an integral part of a process and not just mere observers of something that feels too distant from us.
Perfectly in line with the desire of Maison Ventidue and Muspa who, through the drafting of a collective Manifesto (which can be adhered to by filling out an online form on their website) want to rethink together with the public, citizens, critics, artists, the role of art to identify the urgencies of the period we are experiencing and identify new routes to transit culture.
The exhibition can be visited until May 31 by appointment and it is also possible to support the project to make Marameo’s work permanent. Superfluous. Volumetria³ is Maison Ventidue’s declaration of R-Existence, that of Muspa, that of Marameo, that of all the realities that have remained in the dark for too long and now want to come back to light.
Marameo. Superfluo. Volumetria³
7/ 05/2021 – 31/05/2021
Via Miramonte 4-6 Bologna
Marameo, Supefluo. Volumetria³, work in progress during Art City 2021, L’Appartamento, Bologna, ph. Mario Guida, Courtesy l’artista e Maison Ventidue
Marameo, Supefluo. Volumetria³, work in progress during Art City 2021, L’Appartamento, Bologna, ph. Mario Guida, Courtesy l’artista e Maison Ventidue
Marameo, Supefluo. Volumetria³, installation view, L’Appartamento, Bologna, ph. Marco Mastroianni, Courtesy l’artista e Maison Ventidue

Born in Puglia (Italy), after a three-year degree in Cultural Heritage at the University of Salento (Lecce), she deepened her study of contemporary art, graduating in Visual Arts at the University of Bologna, where she currently lives and works. Author of the critical essay “Museum and Neutrality”. Member of the Muri di Versi Cultural Association. She believes that art is a powerful tool capable of arousing reflections and creating relationships.