“The Suspicion”: reflections on the darkness of hu...

“The Suspicion”: reflections on the darkness of human relationships at the Irpino Museum in Avellino

In Avellino, the Monumental Complex of the Bourbon Prison hosts the exhibition “Il Sospetto” (The Suspicion), curated by Rebecca Russo, visitable until May 31, 2024.

Marinella Senatore, “Speak easy”, 2009, video, color, sound, 15 min., courtesy Videoinsight®️ Collectionpost-insta-squared

The exhibition presents to the public a selection of works created by over seventy international artists, placed within a wonderfully constituted path of paintings, installations, photographs and videos. The professed aim of the artistic crucible is to sensitize viewers so they can recognize and combat the signals of pathological narcissism, a subtle and vile plague of our century. Spread among the rooms and spaces of the former prison, the artworks bearing colors, emotions, meanings and significances characterize the exhibition path, thus creating an enveloping chromatic atmosphere.

Marcela Barcelò, “Opuntia Ficus Indica”, 2022, courtesy Videoinsight®️ Collection

Harmony and grace reign supreme: the walls, whitened in pink, evoke an idyllic, fairy-tale, intimate, and naive atmosphere. Green, instead, sparingly inserted within this context, symbolizes trust and motivation to believe in human relationships despite obstacles. The gold color, present in other rooms, represents introspection, the hidden awareness that induces change and evolution, like a leap into the future. The visionary and bold exhibition is nothing but the result of collaboration between the Videoinsight® Foundation and Ri.Genera Social Enterprise, both committed to promoting psychophysical well-being. The vital and dynamic focus of the exhibition is awareness towards pathological narcissism, toxic relationships, emotional manipulation and psychological abuse, with a particular focus on the theme of femicide.

Cristi Avram, “The way we touch 1”, 2020, courtesy Boccanera Gallery, Videoinsight®️ Collection

The title itself evokes the disturbing and tense atmosphere of Alfred Hitchcock’s famous 1941 film. As in the film, questions about the truth of human relationships are raised within the exhibition: is suspicion merely a paranoid fantasy or a real awareness of hidden dangers? Rebecca Russo, curator of the exhibition, asserts that «those who suspect awaken, save themselves, and change the ending». This quote represents the thematic core of the exhibition, inviting the visitors to reflect on their own relationships and ask crucial questions about interpersonal dynamics. The choice to draw inspiration from Hitchcock’s cinema is not random, as the director himself favored images over dialogues to express complex concepts. «Suspicion is something positive – explains Rebecca Russo – as it leads to crisis, opening new paths and new lines of thought. The idea that there is no absolute and healthy reality goes hand in hand with the elimination of a violent and predatory attitude towards the reality that surrounds us. However, suspicion can also hide dangers: when this act is carried out, one risks sinking into the quicksands of paranoia».

Iva Lulashi, “Non li fermano quasi mai”, 2023, courtesy Videoinsight®️ Collection

Among the artists involved, names like Maria Josè Arjona, Marcello Maloberti, Marinella Senatore, Cheryl Pope, and many others stand out, each with a unique and provocative artistic language. The exhibition catalog, curated by Maria Cristina Strati, further enriches the topics covered, offering the visitors a precious tool to fully immerse themselves in the proposed artistic experience, thus transforming the visit into a profound and enlightening journey through the intricacies of the human psyche. It will be possible to visit the exhibition from Tuesday to Saturday, from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00, with free and open access.

Carlotta Thione


Various Artists, Il Sospetto
05/04/2024 – 31/05/2024
curated by Rebecca Russo
Fondazione Videoinsight®, Museo Irpino
Alfredo de Marsico – 83100 Avellino


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