Crossing Views. Exhibition of Chiara Calore at Bon...

Crossing Views. Exhibition of Chiara Calore at Bonelli Gallery in Milan

Chiara Calore, born in 1994, is a talented artist with an excellent technique. For several years she has been an active member of the Kadabra studio in Venice. She is currently exhibiting at the Bonelli Gallery in Milan with his latest series of paintings entitled Crossing Views.

When we talk about painting, when we pause to wonder about the state of art, it is often misunderstood in favor of new technologies or projects that in the long run will not have the same historical impact as the one that preceded them. In the last ten years, painting in Italy has taken up the place it deserves and, although it is always trying to degrade it, fortunately there are painters with a quality and a technique such as to convince even the most skeptical. Chiara Calore is one of them. 

Calore is an example of a talented painter, with a remarkable technical background; a historical member of the Kadabra studio in Venice, this artist tackles with great ability the canvas with different themes and techniques without ever being cloying, but always pleasant.

Her solo exhibition at the Bonelli Gallery in Milan, curated by Carlo Sala, is entitled Crossing Views and can be visited from 15 September until 21 October. The selection consists of fifteen works that narrate images related to the history of art, but with a personal reinterpretation.

You can meet a Breakfast on the grass or the Great Odalisque revisited by the hand of Heat, and for all the rooms you can admire the quality of these works that vary in size, theme and subjects. One can observe, for example, very remarkable still lifes and totally otherworldly worlds, pataphysical in some cases.

The intent of this exhibition is to discover a world of veils, colors and a lot of history. A journey on unconventional planets and visions that bring the observer almost into a trance.

Crossing Views is a great exhibition, and we need exhibitions with talent and quality of this kind, so that the Italian painting of the new generation reaches the highest levels of history: Calore is definitely on the right path in my opinion, one of those artists who will mark the pace.

Francesco Liggieri


Chiara Calore. Crossing Views
15/09 – 21/10/2022
Galleria Bonelli, Milano

Chiara Calore, Crossing Views, installation view, courtesy Galleria Bonelli, Milano

Chiara Calore, Crossing Views, installation view, courtesy Galleria Bonelli, Milano

Chiara Calore, Crossing Views, installation view, courtesy Galleria Bonelli, Milano


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