11 editions, 460 participating artists and 72 represented countries. Here’s just some of the numbers of the XI Edition of the Florence Biennale that will take place from 6th to 15th October 2017 at Fortezza da Basso, in the centre of Florence.
Within an exhibition space of 8,000 square metres, on the ground floor of the Spadolini Pavilion, more than 1300 works made by artists from five continents and selected from over 2000 applications will be presented. Since its foundation, set up by Pasquale and Piero Celona in 1997, Florence Biennale has (always) been a showcase of excellence for contemporary world art production, a free and inclusive platform that welcomes many forms of artistic expression.
With the XI edition, directed by Jacopo Celona and the curator Melanie Zefferino, Florence Biennale aims to show a vision of the future where creativity and sustainability are the founding principles of an eco-system of art and culture. In this perspective, in the “eARTh: Creativity and Sustainability” theme, cultural difference and biodiversity are thought as integral part of the same evolutionary process.
In addition to the exhibition, the event includes a series of side events such as conferences, award ceremonies, performances and educational initiatives that promote dialogue and confrontation between artists and visitors.
In the matter of the prizesgiving an international jury will have the difficult task of assigning the International Prize “Lorenzo il Magnifico” to the distinguished artists in the art categories of reference (graphic art, design, sculpture, textile art, etc). Another prize for the career will be awarded to two artists whose artistic merits or contribution to the culture have always made them stand out from the crowd: Ghanian artist El Anatsui and Japanese architect Arata Isozaki. This year, it will also exceptionally be awarded a in memoriam prize to sculptor Sauro Cavallini who disappeared in July 2016. In twenty years 16 artists renown all over the world have had the honour of receiving this award in their career, like Anish Kapoor, Marina Abramovic and Christo, and Jeanne-Claude. But this is not over! After a personal show at the Guggenheim Gallery in New York, Tim Bengel, a young German artist followed by more than 331k followers on Instagram, will receive the Special Prize from the President Bengel is known for his paintings made of sand and gold, inspired to Tibetan mandalas, and during the Florence Biennale he will make an artwork dedicated to Florence.
Among the artists on show, the Italians come first with 65 appearances, exceeding the Chinese artists (with 60 participants). Artists in competition certainly don’t lack in originality: we will see Lego installations, a disabled Danish artist painting with her mouth and even a young athlete of the Italian Swimming National who cultivates passion for painting. All the artists in the competition will also be offered the opportunity to be selected for three art residences offered by The International Arts @ Culture Group (TIAC) in China, from the International Gallery and Center for Mediterranean Cultural Studies “Porta Coeli” of Venosa (PZ), and from the Municipality of Casole d’Elsa (SI) under the Art Social Club project. Now we have just to wait for the inauguration on October 6th, hoping this XI Edition will be up to expectations, which certainly are not low this year!
Valentina Piuma
Florence Biennale. XI Edizione
2017, October 6th – 15th
Fortezza da Basso, Firenze
Arata Isozaki, architetto giapponese premiato con il Lorenzo Il Magnifico alla Carriera
El Anatsui, artista ghanese premiato con il Lorenzo Il Magnifico alla Carriera

is a contemporary art magazine since 1980