Para Site, Hong Kong

Para Site is an independent contemporary art center. It is dedicated to the production of exhibitions and the creation of publications and conferences and it has an educational program aimed at the cultural and social phenomena of our time and a residency and curatorial training program.

It was founded in 1996 as an artistic space, then over the years it has grown, opening up to collaborative relationships with other institutions, museums and academies. In 2015 the headquarters moved to Quarry Bay and today the institution is supported by private foundations and the Hksar government.

Para Site and Rockbund Art Museum (which in 2019 have already had a fruitful collaboration, with the exhibition “An Opera For Animals”) are now working on the exhibition “Curtain” which will open in Hong Kong, at the headquarters of Para Site and at Soho House, on May 14th. The curators of this complex project are: Cosmin Costinas, Larys Frogier, Celia Ho, Anqi Li, Billy Tang, Xu Tiantian, with whom Biljana Ciric and Mathieu Copeland are associated.

The exhibition involves authors of various nationalities and touches on dissimilar aspects of visual language, such as performance and video art. There is no lack of social aspects and extra-artistic references. In this way “Curtain” speaks not only of the curtain as a veil of the theater or of a possible private scenography, but also of those electronic devices that have the filter with which people interface on the screen: mobile phones, computers, tablets, and so on.

Unfortunately, due to the persistence of the Covid-19 pandemic, the exhibition will have a predefined duration, but the performative activities and collective engagements will be planned for a post-pandemic future.

These authors were invited: Chantal Akerman, Xyza Cruz Bacani, Leigh Bowery, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Chang Chao-Tang, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Cao Guimarães, Ho Sin Tung, Hu Yinping, Hu Yun, Derek Jarman, Li Shuang, Minouk Lim, Gustav Metzger, Ocean & Wavz, Jacolby Satterwhite, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Tan Jing, Robel Temesgen, Wang Bing, Jason Wee, Cici Wu, Wu Jiaru, Shaw Xu Zhifeng, Stella Zhang, Jasphy Zheng, and Zhou Tao.

Bruno Sain


14/05/2021 – 25/07/2021
Para Site
22/F Wing Wah Bldg.
677 King’s Road
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
+852 25174620

Para Site: Yang Shen, Nocturnal Animals, 2012. Opera esposta nella mostra An Opera for Animals, 2019, Rockbund Art Museum. Courtesy of Rockbund Art MuseumYang Shen, Nocturnal Animals, 2012. Opera esposta nella mostra An Opera for Animals, 2019, Rockbund Art Museum. Courtesy of Rockbund Art Museum

Gabriel Pareyon, Musical score from Xochicuicatl Cuecuechtli (Ribald Flowersong), 2012. Opera esposta nella mostra An Opera for Animals, 2019, Rockbund Art Museum. Courtesy of Rockbund Art Museum

Zhou Tao, Blue and Red, 2014, single channel HD video. Courtesy of the artist and Vitamin Creative Space (opera esposta alla mostra “Curtain”)


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